Meeting Synopsis: July 6, 2013

E-470 LogoThree men attended the 70/Four70 MS Men’s Group July meeting held in a conference room generously provided by the E-470 Public Highway Authority at the E-470 Office Building.

The group watched and briefly discussed the first portion of the “EveryDay Matters” DVD, “Finale.”  All went home with the pamphlet “Living Your Best Life with MS: Using the Principles of Positive Psychology to Manage the Challenges of Living with a Chronic Illness.”

Sharon O’Hara, Executive V.P. of the CO-WY Chapter of the NMSS, was a special guest who made an informal presentation about NMSS services and how to obtain MS specific products.

Interest was expressed in cooling garments such as cooling bed sheets, vests, headbands and neckbands as well as finding a disability group that is outdoor activity based.  O’Hara referred to the CO-WY NMSS Chapter website and told us that various products were available locally through businesses such as REI and YouCanToocan.

For help with questions about MS, treatments, referrals, or upcoming programs, contact the NMSS Information and Resource Helpdesk at 1-800-344-4867.

All agreed Sharon O’Hara’s presentation was extremely valuable and appreciated.

After O’Hara left the meeting, the potential for future speakers and presentations was discussed.  The key component for presentations was determined to be to stipulate the topics provide useful MS information with little to no “feel-good or touchy-feely” type presentations.  It was established that it will probably be necessary to invite other MS Self-Help Groups in order to make the speakers’ time worthwhile.  All in the group will work on investigating the potential.

Discussion of MS and its impacts was interspersed throughout the meeting.